DO PARADIGMA DA COMUNICAÇÃO AO PARADIGMA DA ACÇÃO: será que a abordagem da acção favorece a aprendizagem da compreensão e produção da escrita em língua francesa para fins específicos (F.F.E.)?


  • David Cumbane Faculdade de Letras e Ciências Sociais, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM)


paradigma da comunicação, paradigma da acção, língua francesa para fins específicos, relações internacionais;, diplomacia, ensino/aprendizagem, francês, língua estrangeira


In this study, the central question is whether the Action paradigm is favorable to the learning of French in the field of International Relations and Diplomacy. In this context, we test the Action paradigm against the Communicative method through the results achieved by learners after teaching programmes carried through with each approach. Two questionnaires, one for Communicative method and the other for the Action paradigm, were built and submitted to a sample of sixty students, where thirty students attended underwent the Communicative method teaching and paradigm and an equal number for the Action paradigm teaching. The difference between the pre-test and the post-test in terms of marks achieved, differential achievement and mark distribution are conclusive. The Communicative method yields overall average results of 100% against 96.7% for of the Action paradigm and The Action paradigm yields overall average results of 36.7% against 30.3% for of the Communicative method. It thus favors in a statistically significant way the learning of French for specific purposes. Interestingly, its support was greater for aural and spoken tasks than for the written medium. This suggests that the use of different methods is still a commendable approach in the foreign language classroom.


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How to Cite

Cumbane, D. . (2021). DO PARADIGMA DA COMUNICAÇÃO AO PARADIGMA DA ACÇÃO: será que a abordagem da acção favorece a aprendizagem da compreensão e produção da escrita em língua francesa para fins específicos (F.F.E.)?. UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 2(1). Retrieved from


