Nation, citizenship and ethnicity in Mozambique (1975-1990)


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Citizenship, ethnic, ethnicity, mozambican nation


African states undertook different constructions of citizenship after independence. In Mozambique, the Frente de Libertação de Moçambique (FRELIMO) assumed the construction of the nation-state and citizenship in a single-party regime, to which was added the existence of civil war. In the hegemonic discourses, the formation of the “Homem Novo” was emphasized, which should overcome identity particularities, this time, associated with ethnicity. Although traditionally focused on legal rights, some studies on citizenship in Africa point to the issue of ethnic belonging and inclusion of the individual in a nation as a citizen, making the ethnic dimension a central concern among nationalist projects in most African countries. Thus, based on the theoretical framework presented above, which includes two themes of great relevance, that of citizenship and nation building, and based on a corpus of study composed by semi-structured interviews conducted in Maputo with Mozambican political, academic and writer representatives, literary work and articles from the newspapers Notícias da Beira, Notícias e Tempo, I will use a qualitative analysis and Critical Discourse Analyzes (CDA) to understand how citizenship in Mozambique, in its ethnic essence, is represented between a historical period that goes from 1975 to 1990.


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How to Cite

Gemmino, C. . (2024). Nation, citizenship and ethnicity in Mozambique (1975-1990). UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 5(1). Retrieved from


