Benefits of reading strategies instruction in textual compreehension: the case of Eduardo Mondlane University students


  • admin admin Faculdade de Letras e Ciências Sociais, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM)


Mozambican university students, English language learners, reading comprehension, strategy-based reading instruction


Recent studies indicate that reading strategies instruction enables second language learners to use different reading strategies in order to improve their textual comprehension. The current study was conducted in Mozambique, at the Eduardo Mondlane University, aiming at evaluating the impact of a reading strategies instruction program. It involved an experimental group of 25 students majoring in English Language Teaching and a control group of 25 English/Portuguese Translation students. A pre-test, a three-month strategy-based reading instruction program, a post-test and a questionnaire administered at the end of the program were used in the evaluation of the students’ progress in terms of strategic reading and reading proficiency. The findings showed that the experimental group improved its reading comprehension as a result of the intervention. The study demonstrates the need of introducing reading strategies instruction programs in order to improve Mozambican learners’ academic reading and comprehension skills.


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How to Cite

Nhapulo, M. A. . (2024). Benefits of reading strategies instruction in textual compreehension: the case of Eduardo Mondlane University students. UEM Scientific Journal: Arts and Social Sciences Series , 5(1). Retrieved from


